April, 4th, 2011: Great week end. I have really been enjoying the conference. Sunday morning session I was listening to President Dieter F. Uchtdorf speak on “The Road to Damascus ”. My mind went a different direction then his talk was on, when he spoke of his wife Harriet in such a reverent manner that it got my mind going to another subject, the subject of loving your spouse with a deep reverence of love and adoration. Of course this was the talk that was given by Elder Richard G. Scott in the Afternoon Session. My mind was drawn to the importance of loving your spouse completely. We all know of the strength and weaknesses of our spouses, more so then other people around the town. My mind kept coming to the fact that we need to feel a deep reverence for our spouses. How important it is to build up our spouses to those in our company throughout the day. We should always look at the positive aspects of our loved one. My mind kept thinking of Joe’s very most positive character trait, He is such a good father to all his children. He has such a patient manner about him. His sacrifice is daily and constant toward his family. He never shows anger or frustration. It does not necessarily mean that he is never disappointed, but he always gives his children and family growing and teaching experiences. He has such great patience and love for his family. When we speak together of the family, he never dwells on their weaknesses; he always has great faith and love for his children. He knows of their great potential. Elder Richard G. Scott said, “If you want to have a wonderful wife, then you need to have her see you as a wonderful man and perspective husband”, I’ll change this to say (If you want to have a wonderful husband, then you need to have him see you as a wonderful woman or wife). Joe, It’s time to tell you that I LOVE YOU! I will commit to you this day that I will spend my life building you up always. Happy Anniversary Honey (April 6th, 1979)